
A Plant Based Diet: The Importance, and How To Get Started

Eating a plant based diet works beautifully to increase micronutrients and alkaline foods in your diet. 

Micronutrients, are the vitamins and minerals in our food and are the materials used to create the cells of the body and are crucial to hormone production.  (Read more about the importance of micronutrients here). Though all foods contain micronutrients, the foods that are plant based are the ones that are alkaline in nature and fight inflammation.  Some of the most powerful foods rich in micronutrients include vegetables such as spinach and kale, plus tomatoes, onions, carrots and other brightly coloured vegetables.

Did you know that we become more acidic as we age?  In 1931 Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his research finding that cancer cells can’t survive in an alkaline environment.  If you bathe yourself in alkaline-rich foods, you increase oxygenation. Your cells will dance with gratitude and protect your health.

Here are suggestions for adding more plant based, alkaline foods to your diet:

  • Spinach and kale are leafy greens that can be added to salads, smoothies, or sautéed and enjoyed as a side dish.
  • Wheat grass makes a great addition to morning juices.
  • Broccoli  is a wonderful as a side dish to any meal, and is quite delicious when enjoyed raw.
  • Cucumber slices and peppers will make a fantastic salad topper, or snack when paired with a healthy fat like hummous.
  • Fresh watermelon and cantaloupe are an alkalizing, hydrating summer treat.
  • Both sweet potato and pumpkin can be enjoyed roasted, or enjoyed as a soup in the cooler months.

Do you follow a mainly plant based diet? How do you ensure you’re eating and benefiting from a wide variety of micronutrient packed fruits and vegetables? Go for the 80/20 rule and try to make 80% of your diet plant based.  Let me know if you have questions and remember, Health is contagious, pass it on by sharing below.

The Beneficial Practice of Tai Chi and Yoga

Low-impact, stress reducing exercises such as tai chi and yoga are great ways to activate the relaxation response. Stress relief is an important part of our daily and weekly routine. Here are some suggestions for beginning with both tai chi and yoga.

  • Have patience. There is no reason to focus on an end goal with either of these practices, but rather focus on your breath and movement or position within the current moment.
  • Be open to different styles and instructors. Both yoga and tai chi have various styles of teaching. Do not give up after only one try because the style or instructor wasn’t a good fit. Try multiple different courses, studios and styles before giving up.
  • Physical movements are least important. The art of tai chi and yoga focus less on your physical movements, and more on how you develop your practice over time.
  • Breathing techniques are important. Over time you will learn to develop your breathing techniques in order to maximize the stress relieving benefits of both practices.

Do you practice any kind of moving meditation, or do you prefer to sit in stillness while meditating?  What are your tips for beginning a tai chi or yoga practice? Share with me in the comments below!

Body Treatments for Detoxification

Did you know that your skin absorbs toxins and chemicals everyday?

Skin is the largest organ in our body.  From the chemicals in our beauty and skin care products to the fire retardant on our furniture, we are exposed to hundreds of toxins on a daily basis. Here are four easy body treatments that aid in detoxing your body from the daily assault.

  1.  Dry Scrubbing

Using Himalayan salt (available at health food stores and also included in my liver detox kit) and a scrubbing mitt before showering or bathing will aid in exfoliation, sloughing off dry, dead skin.

Dry brushing is similar to massage in that it stimulates the lymphatic system, causing lymph nodes to release toxins from your system.  Our bodies do this naturally, however dry brushing will speed up the detoxification process as well as aid in circulation.  It also leaves your skin with an amazing glow!

  1.  Sauna

You can benefit from using a sauna at a spa, health club, or gym to encourage sweating out toxins.  The sauna is a tradition of Finland that some researchers date back over two thousand years. The Finns attribute their endurance and longevity to the tradition of sauna.  During a sauna session, your metabolism is boosted, your blood vessels become  more flexible, and your extremities loosen from increased circulation.

The effects of the sauna are numerous and varied. Those that use saunas report a feeling of psychological peace and contentment as well as physical rejuvenation. Many people claim that the sauna relieves the symptoms of minor illnesses such as colds, revives the muscles after tough physical exertion, and clears the complexion.

Stay in only as long as you are comfortable, increasing the time with each visit. Feelings of light headedness or dizziness are signs to get out.  Ensure that you drink plenty of water.

  1.  Try acupuncture.

Chinese medicine believes that aches, pains and diseases are caused by the blockage of chi energy.  By releasing blockages and allowing the chi to flow, the body can heal itself.  Though this thinking is uncommon to our western minds, acupuncture has been proven in a number of studies to be very beneficial for health and is a great tool to help detox.  Ask your acupuncturist to focus on a liver treatment as our liver is the detox center.

  1.  Drink Water.

Though not a body treatment, one of the most powerful things you can do to help detox is drink water. Lots of it.  Make sure it is purified and adding fresh lemon makes it alkaline!


If you do even one thing more each day for your health it will add up to make an enormous difference. 

Remember to pass this to people you love.  Health is contagious – pass it around!


Slash Stress

Simply put: Stress interferes with the performance of our adrenal glands.

The result of excess stress is fatigue, reduced ability to handle said stress well, and a decline in your hormones.  Adrenal fatigue is one of the most common and widely missed threats to our health today. Low-impact, stress-reducing exercises include tai chi, sitting mindfully in silence and stillness (some call it meditation), and breathing exercises.  Research also shows moderate exercise like walking increases testosterone production.  It’s a myth that watching TV relaxes you.  You actually have to do something in order to relax.  You need to turn on the “relaxation response.”  These exercises are ways to do that.

Here are some suggestions for turning on your relaxation response:

Do you have any stress relieving techniques that work well? I’d love to hear them in the comments below, please share!

The Benefits of Eating Late Summer Vegetables

If you’ve been eating the same vegetables week in and week out, I’m offering some tips for breaking out of your green veggie rut!

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Eating in season provides us with more health benefits. These veggies are picked at the peak of freshness, and are often higher in nutrients than their out of season counterparts who likely travelled twice as far to get to the same grocery store.  This in turn is better for the environment, and better for our bodies!

Some nutrient packed in season veggies during the summer include eggplant, summer squash and zucchini. You may actually be surprised to discover that both eggplant and zucchini are fruits! Name aside, this trio can add new flavor, texture and variety to your traditional summer side dishes.

Eggplant is high in iron, calcium and fiber. They also contain essential phytonutrients which improve blood circulation and nourish the brain. To get the most from your eggplant, be sure to cook and eat with the skin on!

Zucchini brings us a healthy dose of folate, which is essential in forming red blood cells, and preventing birth defects. It also offers up potassium, vitamins A and C, and beta carotene. A truly versatile fruit, zucchini can be added to almost any dish, including a substitute for apples in an apple crisp!

Summer squash is a rich source of Vitamin A and C, magnesium, fiber, and Vitamin B6. It is also high in manganese, a mineral which helps the body process fats, carbohydrates, and glucose. Yellow summer squash, similar to zucchini can be added to many dishes such as grilled mixed veggies, soups, salads and more!


Keeping Your Liver Healthy with Daily Detox Habits

This week I am offering up some daily detox recommendations to keep your liver functioning at it’s best. By incorporating these recommendations into your daily life, you are creating an amazing filtration system long term!

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Have a cup of tea when you wake in the morning.  Green tea or herbal tea can be substituted, but detox tea is a much better option. Look for ones with one or more of the following ingredients: licorice root, cinnamon, juniper berry, dandelion, burdock.  I have sampled literally hundreds of detox teas to find ones that have medicinal qualities but don’t taste like dirt, you can find my favorite here.

Eat protein for breakfast.  Eggs are a great source of high quality protein, sautee them up with some fresh veggies for a protein packed breakfast.

Snack smart. Twice daily, enjoy low-glycemic vegetables or fruit such as berries, avocado, broccoli or cauliflower. Eating low GI fruits and veggies will ensure even energy, and blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Pack lunch. Skip the store bought sandwich that is likely loaded with preservatives and sauces, and instead prepare a healthy lunch consisting of lean protein with more veggies.

Plan dinner. Always choose a high quality protein and a few green veggies for your evening meal. Limit sugary sauces and marinades. If you are craving something sweet, enjoy a piece of fruit.

Drink Juice. Enjoying fresh organic vegetable juices or green smoothies will bathe your liver cells in nutrients. Another option is to use the juices for your mid-morning or afternoon snack.

What Are Micronutrients and Why Are They So Important?

Did you know that what we eat literally becomes the parts of our body that we depend upon? Most people do not. Food is fuel but it is also information.

Our diet in North America has become more focused on the speed in which it is ready to eat than the nutritional content it has.  When Rachel Ray was asked the inspiration behind creating the 30 minute meals she responded that 30 minutes was the amount of time people were will to wait for a pizza to be delivered!

I want to show you why our foods are so important and what to focus on.  There are many diet plans out there that tell you exactly what to eat. I don’t want you to diet.  I want you to have an amazing relationship with food.  I want you to enjoy the food you eat, have it taste great and I want you to know how to prepare it easily.  I want you to feed your cells and your satisfaction by knowing and eating real food.

One of the most important things for you to understand about nutrition is the importance of micronutrients.  The foods we eat are either micronutrients or macronutrients. Micronutrients are essential in small amounts for healthy bodies such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals.  The great news is that food like fruits and vegetables are full of micronutrients!

While micronutrients are the literally the ingredients of every cell in our body that make up our organs and structures, macronutrients provide the energy to do the work of building and living. We need macronutrients for normal growth and development.  The three main parts of macronutrients are proteins, carbs and fats.  Protein is what provides us with the building blocks needed to sustain life.  Carbohydrates are what our body needs for an on demand energy source.  Fats are what supply our bodies with stored energy for use later on.

Micronutrients exist in many foods but I want to bring your attention to plant based micronutrients as the powerhouse of these vital substances.  A whole food plant-based diet is ideal nutrition:

  • Low in saturated fat and cholesterol by minimizing animal product consumption
  • Moderate in whole grains, nuts, and seeds
  • High in vegetables, fruits, and beans

What you need to know about adrenal fatigue

Tired? Grumpy? Depressed? Gaining weight? Stressed? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may be battling adrenal fatigue.

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Adrenal fatigue is a non-specific collection of symptoms that affects multiple body systems and is caused by chronic stress.

Adrenal glands are two pyramidal shaped glands, about the size of a walnut, that sit on top of each kidney. They release hormones that are involved in blood pressure regulation, electrolyte balance, blood sugar usage, and the stress response. A small amount of estrogen and testosterone is also made here. Stress puts these organs into overdrive but over time their function becomes diminished causing a whole cascade of negative effects.

When it comes to adrenal fatigue, the greatest impact is on cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that is released during times of stress and increases blood sugar to be used as quick energy, which is necessary for the “fight or flight” response. Cortisol is also involved in the sleep cycle. Cortisol is typically at its highest level between 6 and 8 a.m. and at its lowest level between 10 p.m. and 12 a.m. When cortisol levels are out of balance, as seen in adrenal fatigue, sleep cycles are greatly disturbed. Waking up in the middle of night is common and further adds to fatigue.

Luckily, adrenal fatigue is easy to detect, yet many doctors do not test for it. A salivary cortisol test is the single best way to detect adrenal fatigue. It requires four samples of saliva to be collected throughout the day. The advantage of this test is that it allows for a very accurate picture of how your adrenal glands are functioning throughout the day.

Treatment for adrenal fatigue is much more complex and requires an individualized approach. Diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management are the four pillars of health, and the treatment of adrenal fatigue often requires addressing one or all of these areas. Being tested for adrenal fatigue and sitting down with your doctor to develop a program specific to you is your best weapon for battling this condition. Say goodbye to adrenal fatigue and have your adrenals tested today.


Sugar is damaging to our health

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Did you know that Alzheimer’s has been called diabetes type 3? 

Limit the amount of sugar and foods that turn quickly and easily into sugar like pasta, bread and rice.  Sugar can appear in lost of places; here are a few to begin to look, in order to limit your intake:

  • Drink powders, soft drinks and other sweetened beverages
  • Flavored yogurts
  • Dried fruits
  • Spreads and jams
  • Bagels
  • Condiments such as BBQ sauce and ketchup
  • Sweet treats such as cookies, cakes, and ice cream

Sugar is a treat and make sure that you are fully present when you enjoy these things.  So many times we are eating while doing another tasks that we rarely even remember the texture or the taste.  Savor your treats and if you are eating sugar every day, it is no longer a treat!

Success is much greater when we replace rather than remove, here are some suggestions for replacement of the above sugar-laden snacks:

  • Fruit infused or sparkling water
  • Plain yogurts with fresh fruit
  • Fresh whole fruits
  • Homemade spreads, jams and condiments

The Benefits of Juices and Smoothies

Juicing is hard, time-wise.  It takes planning and effort, but it’s like jet fuel for your cells.  I tell my patients, “You just have to make the commitment and do it.”  Green juices are an amazing, easy to absorb, nutrient-dense food, and do not require much processing.

If you’ve downloaded my Hormone Handbook (get it here), you know that the juicing technique used in my liver cleanse is like a medication to treat your liver.  I  recommend enjoying a glass of fresh pressed juice or a green smoothie once a day after day for energy filled days and restful nights.

If you buy packaged juices, the pasteurization process kills all the good nutrients, as well as harmful bacteria.  That process also kills the living energetic plant enzymes that do the very work you’re drinking juice for.  Check out the glycemic indexes of some of the over the counter, bottled or canned juices, and you’ll see they have so much sugar that you might as well eat a donut.  For example, an 8oz. serving of V8 juice has 8 grams of sugar per 8 oz. serving!

That’s why it’s so important to commit to do-it-yourself juicing.  However, some people who have severe time constrictions feel it’s worth the investment to find places that make fresh organic vegetable juices right in front of you.  In California and Seattle you can actually order these juices through Amazon Fresh to get it delivered to your door.

Regardless of whether you are choosing to make your own fresh juice, or ordering it from a local juicery, adding one fresh pressed green drink per day to your routine will provide you with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Plus, you’re able to add more fresh veggies into your diet than if you were attempting to eat them within a salad.

Here are two recipes for you to get started:

Green Juice

1 cucumber
2 celery stalks
1 big handful of kale (about 6 kale leaves)
1/2 lemon
1 green apple
1/2 inch ginger
Clean, chop and place ingredients through a juicer. Enjoy!


Green Smoothie

2 handfuls of spinach
1/4 pineapple
1 avocado
2 TBS chia or hemp seeds
Ice and water to taste
Blend all ingredients and enjoy!